Saturday, December 06, 2008

Day 5

This morning I got to work only to find out my coworker's father was in the hospital. He had been sick for sometime now and he wasn't expected to live as long. I prayed for him, my coworker and her family. I know how much she loves him and although death is a reality for everyone, it still stings when a loved one is so close to it.

I picked up the girls from school today and looked forward to tomorrow because it is my Saturday off and I will be able to sleep in. As I lay in bed, I began to think about the economy and how so many people are going through right now. I couldn't help but thank God because He continues to bless us financially in spite of everything that is going on. I also got a post for my fitness blog that I will post as well. I still need to figure out how to use my new camera so I can record the girls. TGIF Q

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