Saturday, December 20, 2008

Better late than never

This year I've really been doing a lot of praying regarding friendships. Proverbs 18:24 says, "A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.." and I can admit I haven't been the best friend I could be. Earlier this year, we had a Super Bowl party and invited some guests. One brought a hostess gift, a bottle of sparkling cider. After they left, I began to do research and started to realize I've been slacking. So I made sure that every time I was invited to someone's house, I brought a gift for them. But I took it one step further, I not only wanted to be kind, bring a gift, and say thank you, I wanted to bless them. I did all I can to be friendly, prayed for them and asked God's blessings over them.

In the course of this journey, I've also had to cut some people off that was once my friends. But I have to do what I need to so I can be a real and true friend. I can't do that if I don't like someone and we don't agree. So sometimes you have to let people go and that in and of itself is the best way you can bless them and you.

One of the things I've decided to do was to make things right. I made a list of all the people I needed to thank or send gifts to and this coming week I will be taking care of it. I know some of them are going to think I am crazy but I have to do what's right. I've lost too many friends this year. I think about all the things I wish I could have done or said but can't. Since I can't get them back, I want to make sure I do right by the ones who are still here. Not only that, I am writing letters to them as well to explain where I am coming from. So if you are one of them and you are reading this, you have a heads up. For some of them, it may be a year or two late but it is better late than never.

I want the people in my life to know how much they mean to me. I want to be the person God has called me to be which includes admitting when I was wrong and trying to make things right. To all of you reading this I want you to think about those people you need to reconnect with. Know tomorrow is not promised and as long as you have today, you have a chance to make it right. Even if they don't accept it, do it anyway and let God deal with it. But don't let another day slip by because today is better late than never. Q

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