Friday, January 25, 2008

Looking great in 08

So I haven't given up on the fitness thing at all. For me it is not about getting to a certain size, it is about a healthy lifestyle. I want to look and feel good from the inside out. I want to be around to enjoy life and watch my kids grow. I want to recognize the person I see in the mirror. I had already began my own personal journey but my friend Jessica Rabbit wanted to team up with another blogger for accountability and I agreed to join her.

I am going to put some info out for myself and others and I will be tracking my progress via my blog. I plan on taking pics every Sunday for the next 12 weeks and tracking my measurements. I don't go by weight, I go by inches so that is what I am going to use. Here is some info on taking measurements I got from :

Waist- at navel
Abdomen- 3 inches below navel
Hips- stand with feet 12 inches apart, tighten buns and measure fullest part
Upper Thigh- just below cheek
Lower Thigh- 2 inches above kneecap
Calves- fullest part
Upper arm- 3 inches from armpit

I hope this helps you out. Q

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