You grate a little of the rind and make a lemon sour cream pound cake
You squeeze a little juice and put it in a cup of hot water and drink it for beautiful skin
Mix it with baking soda and use as a stain remover
Squeeze a couple and make some lemonade
Rub it on your knees and elbows to fade the dark areas
Life is not fair. There are no guarantees. I am living proof of it. I grew up in the projects in NY where there was nothing but mess all around me. But I didn't let the hand that life dealt me get me down. Too many people focus on where they are or what they have instead of where they could be or what they could have. I always knew I would get out. I did everything I could to make sure the life I wanted for myself and my family would be a reality.
Just like a lemon, I took what I had and flipped, cut it, squeezed it and made something better out of what I started with. Was it hard, yes. But you see the journey is just as important as the destination. The journey where you learn the lessons along the way, meet the people you need to meet, and pick up the skills you need to make it in life. There are bumps and bruises along the way but everytime you climb over one obstacle you get stronger and a lot of things become easier.
Who would have thought something so small and cute as a lemon could be so useful yet frustrating at the same time. On the outside it is pretty, yellow an bright. But it is hard to squeeze, and the inside is sour as heck. But with the right tools, the right pressure, and by adding something here and there, your end result can be something better, sweeter, nicer. Just like life.
Each day you wake up is a new day for you to start over. You have a new chance to make the best out of your circumstances. You can choose to fight and live, and push forward to be who you want to be. Or you can just stay where you are, holding a bag of lemons.
I don't care what you have been through in life, nothing is too hard to overcome. You have to want it. You have to fight for it. Don't let your past determine your future. Put God first. Make better choices for yourself. Surround yourself with people who will add to you not take from you. Be the person you want to be.
I always tell people I mentor, it's not how you start but how you finish and I plan on finishing strong. Yup I will finish strong with nice skin, toned knees and elbows, a glass of lemonade and a slice of cake. Yes I will have my cake and eat it too. Q
I just started going to a bible study group and the focus is based on a book about if you had 30 days to live, how would you live your life.
Here's the link:
p.s. I love this part of what you said:
You grate a little of the rind and make a lemon sour cream pound cake
I'm hungry now! thanks ;)
Thanks for the inspiration I needed that !!!
You are always right on time with your post. Thank you
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