I needed some new bags. I needed some big enough to carry my bible and all my other stuff but I didn't want it to look grandma-ish. I headed to Ross and struck gold. I am not one of those bag chicks but I have gotten a lot of compliments on my new ones so I guess I chose well. Anyway, here they are. Q
Hey Queeny,
Great picks! Looks like you struck gold. Cute bags!!!! I freak out in Ross by my house. It always looks like a bomb went off in there. :(
Do you have a separate compartment for your cellphone in your bag? Do you also carry a notebook to take notes when you go to church?
Hey Tanyetta,
The Ross here can get like that too but I figured out the best days and times to go before it looks like a tornado went through it.
The black bag has 3 separate compartments. One has 2 big pockets on the side. The middle has credit card slots and one for your cellphone. The other one has a small zipper on the bag. But all 3 are the length and the width of the bag.
The brown has a smaller zippered area in the front. Another zippered area behind that one. The middle zippered area has the credit card and cellphone slots. The zippered area in back is just empty.
Both bags carry a lot. I usually keep my lotion, wallet, hand wipes, sanitary items, lip gloss, my bible and my notebook. Sometimes I have 2 bibles and both bags fit all of those items with room to spare!!! Q
What great finds! The black bag is my favorite. I'm sure you have quite a bit more compliments coming your way.
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