Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Walking by faith
Awhile ago I was meeting someone and was parked across from an agency that helps the blind. I watched as a young lady walked out with a walking stick. She started out quickly and moving along. Then she seemed to get a little lost. She stopped, moved her stick around, turned left, turned right, looked confused and then stopped. I watched as it seemed as though she was recounting her steps back in her head or try to remember which way to go. After trying for a bit, she looked defeated. Just when all hope was lost, a woman from the agency who had been watching the entire time came outside. She called the young lady's name, walked up to her, turned her in the right direction, sent her on her way and continued to watch as she headed to the bus stop.
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight I thought about that scripture when I saw the young lady. She is like most of us in our walk with Christ. We start off on fire for Christ, ready to tell the world about how awesome He is. But as we go along our journey, life happens. We don't have the same fire, and a lot of times, we lose our way. Just when we feel down and out and think God has forsaken us, He steps in. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
We are never alone. The Holy Spirit is there with us, within us, guiding us and directing us. But it is up to us to listen. Walking by faith isn't easy. It is in our nature as men and women to want to be in control, in charge and to know what we feel we need to know. That was part of Adam and Eve's downfall, they just had to know. But we must learn to truly trust God to lead us even when it seems the way is hard and dark. Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
It's funny to me how people will trust flawed men everyday but find it foolish of me to trust in God. Psalm 37: 23 The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. I'll take trusting God over man, including myself ANY DAY!!!! But I walk. A lot of times without telling a soul. My Pastor once said, "You can't share with some people because if they are walking by faith, they can't see it either." Not only can they not see it, I can't either. But I won't stop. I will keep walking, keep trusting, keep praying, keep fasting, keep preaching, teaching, spreading the word, and keep preparing myself for all God has for me. I know my walking is not in vain. I might not be able to see, but God's knows all, sees all and that's enough for me. Q
2 Corinthians 5:7 For we walk by faith, not by sight I thought about that scripture when I saw the young lady. She is like most of us in our walk with Christ. We start off on fire for Christ, ready to tell the world about how awesome He is. But as we go along our journey, life happens. We don't have the same fire, and a lot of times, we lose our way. Just when we feel down and out and think God has forsaken us, He steps in. John 14:16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
We are never alone. The Holy Spirit is there with us, within us, guiding us and directing us. But it is up to us to listen. Walking by faith isn't easy. It is in our nature as men and women to want to be in control, in charge and to know what we feel we need to know. That was part of Adam and Eve's downfall, they just had to know. But we must learn to truly trust God to lead us even when it seems the way is hard and dark. Psalm 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
It's funny to me how people will trust flawed men everyday but find it foolish of me to trust in God. Psalm 37: 23 The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. I'll take trusting God over man, including myself ANY DAY!!!! But I walk. A lot of times without telling a soul. My Pastor once said, "You can't share with some people because if they are walking by faith, they can't see it either." Not only can they not see it, I can't either. But I won't stop. I will keep walking, keep trusting, keep praying, keep fasting, keep preaching, teaching, spreading the word, and keep preparing myself for all God has for me. I know my walking is not in vain. I might not be able to see, but God's knows all, sees all and that's enough for me. Q
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I am not my hair!!!!
Yeah I know that line is so cliche but it's fitting. On Sunday I decided to finally cut my hair after over a year of going back and forth about it. I told my cousin I would wait until after her wedding and took some more time to think on it. I was torn for so many reasons. I love having long hair. I love the looks on folks faces when they see my hair. Especially other black women who never thought this "type" of hair could grow so long. I was one of them. I was the little girl who had a decent length of hair but envied those who had long hair and appeared to be "mixed." I too believed my hair wouldn't grow "that" long. But as I got older, I realized a lot of it had nothing to do with genetics and more to do with the care and nurturing of my hair. I had plenty of examples in my own family.
But then the itch to cut was calling me. I got tired of fighting with it. In these last months, I'd begun to slack on my hair. I knew then I had to do it. I'm a hair snob. I like seeing healthy hair whether relaxed or natural and I know my hair wasn't being done right. It wasn't right for me to treat it like that. So instead of going down the same path, I decided to let it go.
I think everyone else took the cut harder than I did. But I get it, I really do. I know I have been an inspiration for so many people. I know I have given out countless tips, and a lot of advice to women over the years. I know they would come to my blog just to look at my pics and use them for encouragement. I get it.
It's amazing how my identity was intertwined with the length of my hair. That is one of the first things people comment on when they meet me or see me. The day I cut my hair, I went to the store. I saw this girl with long hair and she looked at mine. I would be lying if I said I wasn't insecure for a moment. I wonder if folks see me and think I've always had short hair. Should I carry around a picture of myself with long hair to prove I had short hair by choice? I quickly shook off any feelings of insecurity and continued on. I know and that's all that matters.
Today is day 3 and I have no regrets about my decision. I've been overwhelmed by the response from people when I tell them about donating my hair. When I look in the mirror, or rub my hands over my head, I smile. I smile because I love the way I look and feel. I love knowing my hair is going to bless someone who is battling cancer. I love it because this is another beginning for me. I love it because I am showing my daughters that there is more to me, to them than what is on the outside. I love it because I know my hair is going to grow back. I love it because I did it for ME and not for anyone else.
I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, mentor, business owner, blogger, student, and minister. I am honest, loving, giving, happy, blessed, free, and kind. I listen to people, I pray for them, I give of my time to others, and try to be a blessing when I can. I am a child of the Most High. I am so much more than the hair on my head. Q
But then the itch to cut was calling me. I got tired of fighting with it. In these last months, I'd begun to slack on my hair. I knew then I had to do it. I'm a hair snob. I like seeing healthy hair whether relaxed or natural and I know my hair wasn't being done right. It wasn't right for me to treat it like that. So instead of going down the same path, I decided to let it go.
I think everyone else took the cut harder than I did. But I get it, I really do. I know I have been an inspiration for so many people. I know I have given out countless tips, and a lot of advice to women over the years. I know they would come to my blog just to look at my pics and use them for encouragement. I get it.
It's amazing how my identity was intertwined with the length of my hair. That is one of the first things people comment on when they meet me or see me. The day I cut my hair, I went to the store. I saw this girl with long hair and she looked at mine. I would be lying if I said I wasn't insecure for a moment. I wonder if folks see me and think I've always had short hair. Should I carry around a picture of myself with long hair to prove I had short hair by choice? I quickly shook off any feelings of insecurity and continued on. I know and that's all that matters.
Today is day 3 and I have no regrets about my decision. I've been overwhelmed by the response from people when I tell them about donating my hair. When I look in the mirror, or rub my hands over my head, I smile. I smile because I love the way I look and feel. I love knowing my hair is going to bless someone who is battling cancer. I love it because this is another beginning for me. I love it because I am showing my daughters that there is more to me, to them than what is on the outside. I love it because I know my hair is going to grow back. I love it because I did it for ME and not for anyone else.
I am a wife, mother, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, mentor, business owner, blogger, student, and minister. I am honest, loving, giving, happy, blessed, free, and kind. I listen to people, I pray for them, I give of my time to others, and try to be a blessing when I can. I am a child of the Most High. I am so much more than the hair on my head. Q

Monday, August 08, 2011
Happy Birthday to me!!!

I feel so amazing today. My grandmother went home yesterday and I've received a bunch of love from friends and family. I thank God for allowing me to see this day. He has blessed me more than words can say. I never thought my life would be this wonderful but it is. I don't take for granted anything or anyone in my life!!!! Q
Love and Life