I still remember that day like it was yesterday. I kept waking up and falling asleep. I called your dad and told him to come home from work. When he arrived, I was cleaning and he didn't believe me. When we arrived at the hospital, all of the nurses thought I was too calm to be in labor but I was farther along than anyone realized. My friend Michelle came and picked up B who was 2 at the time. The look she gave me as she left the hospital room, told me it was time. It was like she knew. I was overwhelmed. I was scared, happy, and nervous at the same time.
The time passed by quickly. I had the room dark, with a fountain going. It was me, your Dad, your Aunt Mel, the doctor and 2 nurses. From the time I arrived to the time you made your appearance, 2 hours and 18 minutes passed. I remember looking at you an immediately feeling so much love for you. I wondered how I would be able to do it but I guess God had it all worked out. I loved you like I had always known you.
Through the years I've watched you grow in awe. You have this amazing spirit and old soul. You are so receptive, wise, and confident. I wish I had those qualities at your age. So here you are, 10 years later. My love for you continues to grow. I remember being pregnant with you and receiving a prophesy about what you would be and I still believe it. I know God has great things in store for you. I hope you will always know, how much we love you, how much I love you. You are one of the greatest gifts God has ever given to me. Happy Birthday Princess D!!! Q
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