Yesterday I decided to play with my hair. It's been a minute since I've taken pics and decided to play with a new style. I cowashed my hair with the Body works conditioner. I mixed the honey and the banana together. It was already in twists when I washed it. I took them apart individually, combed them, applied some Afroveda curly custard and retwisted them. Then I set each on perm rods. I later sat under the dryer for about 35 minutes. This morning, I took the twists apart and I love the way my hair looks, feels, and smells. I think I am going to take them apart a little more because I want a big curly look. I'll probably add a headband and a cute flower. But here are some pics. Q
Here are pics with the rollers in:

After I took them out:

The semi-final result:

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