It is really easy. I part my hair in 4 sections and braid each one. I usually pre-poo with castor oil or conditioner. Then I jump in the shower and take one braid out, wash while holding it somewhat taut, add conditioner and re-braid. The stream of the shower also helps with tangles because the water keeps the hair pointing down. When it is time to rinse the conditioner out, I use a comb and my fingers to work out any tangles then I squeeze out the excess water, re-braid and do that all over. Here are some pics of my hair right now in the 4 sections.

I took the braids out and it was kind of cute, I should have taken a pic. Anyway, today I used this unbraid spray and saturate each one. Then I used my bone comb to work out any tangles or matted pieces. It didn't take long at all. Next I slather castor oil on my hair and braided each section. It was easy since my hair was originally parted in 4 sections to start the braids. I will leave it on overnight and sleep with a satin bonnet and then wash tomorrow. I will use the shampoo and conditioner in my use it up box and probably use some of my shescentit butter on my hair. I haven't decided on a style yet but I am off tomorrow so I have time to play around. More pics to follow. Q
Thank you for taking your precious time to help others like myself who struggle w/ hair battles. You are real inspiration. i was wondering if you find it necessary to wet or cowash your hair everyday? It seems as if this hair is always thirsty
JT- I wash or cowash my hair pretty often during the warmer months and that's because I live in the desert. The weather here is really dry. To avoid breakage, I spray my hair lightly at night and seal my ends with a light butter or oil. Thank you for stopping by. Q
You so blessed to just be you. Thanks for how you do what you do. I am so thankful as I learn as well. I pray that I can do and show others to tell, that Black really is Beautiful. Thanks Queeny.
You are so blessed to just be you. Thanks for how you to what you do. I am so thankful as I learn as well. I pray that I can do and show others to tell, that Black Really is Beautiful. Thanks Q.
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