My kids are absolutely incredible. They are so smart and super compassionate. They inspire me daily. I wish I was like them at that age. The thing I love about having kids is being able to get things right with them. I learned so much growing up and we are making sure they have better opportunities.
So Bria's party is on Saturday and I am prepping for it. I asked her on Sunday if she would like to go to my hairdresser and get her hair straightened for her party. She looked at me and said, "no I like my hair curly." I told her to think about it and asked her again. Once again she told me no she was just fine. Honestly I wanted to cry. I just love how confident she is with herself and hasn't let how others look affect how she chooses to wear hers. Almost everyone at their school including the other young black girls have their hair straight but she loves herself enough to keep her hair just the way it is.
The pic above is from her birthday on the 6th. She picked her outfit out and everything. Her hair is still in twists and that's how she wants to wear it for her party. I love my babies. Q
she is so precious! we can learn so much from our children. i love this :)
Your daughter is so cute.
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