God speaks. Do you listen? God has been speaking to me a lot the past couple of days. He has been revealing a lot of things to me. Things I need to share with you. But what He has to say is so serious. Probably some of the realest, stuff I've ever heard. Some of it cut me deep. Everything I was thinking has been flipped upside down. He is doing some spiritual housekeeping cuz there is just too much mess. So I want to share it with you but this is not for everybody.
If you are okay with where you are spiritually, this is not for you.
If you don't want to be chastised and corrected, this is not for you.
If you don't want to step out of your comfort zone, this is not for you.
If you are not ready to put God's needs above your own, even if it means putting your dreams on hold, this is not for you.
God wants full time workers, part time need not apply.
So if you are not ready to hear from God and do what he says, this is not for you.
But if you are ready to receive, pray on, meditate, and activate the word of God in your life, in a way like never before, then it is for you.
I will not post it in the open and I am still writing it. But, if you want to read it, please shoot me an email at qmyers1015@comcast.net and I will make it available to you. I don't want anyone who is just curious or nosey to get this. This is serious and this is about God's work. If you are not sincere, God will know and you will have to answer to Him.
I am serious about doing the Lord's work. I am blessed He gave me this insight. It is nothing new of course but it just needs to be said. I will have it typed up and ready to go by Friday. Much love. Q