One of my resolutions this year is to write in my blog at least 3 times a week so one down, 2 more to go. This was the first New Year's in a long time that I spent at home. We had 2 snowstorms in the past week and church was cancelled. I love bringing in the New Year in the house of the LORD. This year it was Thomas, my mom, the girls and myself at home. We just danced around and I said my prayer of Thanks.
Do you have any resolutions? I have a couple. One of them was already mentioned, the other is to continue to lose weight and get back in shape. I am already down 22lbs since I started last year. I also want to pay my house off. It may be hard to do but even if I don't I want to have knocked a good bit off. I also want to finish writing my book, spend more time with family and self, and to grow my businesses. Each year I also make it a resolution to get even closer to GOD. Some people think they (resolutions) are dumb. Although most of them are broken, I think a lot of people do make changes for the better. You don't have to start on the 1st of January, just do what you can, when you can. GOD is love. Q
Looks like you failed. ROFL!
No I didn't Creole. Q
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