So many times, I've come close to losing my life. But I know it is because of God's grace and mercy that I am still here. Today was no different.
I was driving home from work anxious to see my family. I had one of those days. I was driving along on the highway and there was an SUV in front of me and a big concrete carrying truck in front of the SUV. All of a sudden, there was a big puff of dust. I couldn't see and I was driving straight into it. I hit my brakes to slow down some and said a quick prayer. The SUV swerved to the side and the truck quickly got off to the side as well. The truck's tire blew out and it left a trail of tire pieces and debris in the road. But God saw fit that even though I couldn't see, I was able to drive right through without hitting anything or anything hitting me. This is a main highway and is usually packed with cars during this time but today that wasn't the case. So I know the devil thought he was setting me up but to him and all the people in my life who have ever tried to stop me, discourage me, talk about me, take me out, or keep me down, I'm still here!!!
Praise the Lord. Q
Monday, May 18, 2009
Friday, May 15, 2009
Go me, it's my birthday...
Whew I am so excited right now. They finally posted the grades for this past semester and I got all A's. Yes I did. I am so happy right now. Only 2 more to go and I graduate. It's been a long road but I thank God I am finally here. I did a screen shot of it for you guys. Thanks for all of your words of encouragement, prayers and support. God is so very good!!! Q

Love and Life
Thursday, May 14, 2009
I got my eyebrows threaded!!!!
My girl Tee has been raving about this procedure for the longest. But I could never find anyone locally. Last week when I got my mani and pedi, the girl kept asking if I wanted my brows done too. I knew they were not looking their best but I was determined to do them on my own. Today I had to take the Supremes to get some sneakers. I noticed a little booth with a video playing involving the eyebrows.
On our way out, I stopped by the booth to get some info. I began to ask a bunch of questions. I told them I was scared and K said, "mom you should do it, I'll hold your hand!!" LOL So I went ahead and got it done. It was quick, almost painless and I am loving the results. For $10 plus a tip, it was well worth it. Here are some pics. Q

On our way out, I stopped by the booth to get some info. I began to ask a bunch of questions. I told them I was scared and K said, "mom you should do it, I'll hold your hand!!" LOL So I went ahead and got it done. It was quick, almost painless and I am loving the results. For $10 plus a tip, it was well worth it. Here are some pics. Q
Just me
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Catching up
I can't believe it's been 3 weeks since I've posted. I have been super busy with school, life, and getting my business off the ground. Let's see, D has braces now. She looks so cute. K cut her hair, lied and is on punishment for a month. D fell on her hand, I thought it was broke but she is fine. I have 4 papers to finish along with a lecture. I should have the news and info about my business up later this week. I had a great mother's day and I will post pics of my gifts later. Here are some pics of D's hand so you can see the swelling and then the splint she has to wear for 2 more weeks. Q

Love and Life