Yesterday I was out and about running errands. I was headed home when all of a sudden I started craving a soda. I rarely drink it so I figured I would hit one of the gas stations. There is one that I love to go to because it is always super clean and it has a station that allows you to add extra flavors to your drink. I was in the far right lane and none of the cars would let me get over to where the station was on the left. I was going to go up a block and turn around but as I drove by, I realized it was busy with folks buying Lotto tickets so I decided to head home.
I was a few blocks from the house and I still wanted a soda. So finally I decided to head to the station near my house. I usually park right near the door but for some reason opted to park farther away and walk. As I was walking to the door, a lady in a truck pulled up and I heard her say, "excuse me Miss" several times. At first I didn't pay her any attention and even when inside but then something told me to turn around and go back out. She said, "excuse me Miss" again and I replied, "yes." She held up a handicapped sign and asked if I could have the attendant inside come out to help her.
I went inside and there were 2 other people in the store. I told the attendant about the lady. She was outside for a minute or so and came back to take care of the 2 people and myself. As soon as I was done, it seemed like more people started coming in. I could see she was trying to move quickly so she could help the lady outside. Finally I said, "I'll go help the lady so you can stay here." She asked if I was sure and I told her I was fine. I went up to the lady in the truck and told her I would help her. She said, "I only have 3 dollars so can you just give me 3 dollars worth of the regular gas." I told her sure and headed back inside to the attendant.
As I walked back, I was kind sad that all she had was $3 and I knew that wouldn't really go far. Usually I don't carry cash but yesterday I did. So I took the other singles I had in my wallet, added it to her $3 and gave it to the attendant. I went back outside and filled her truck up. I walked to her window to let her know I was done. She looked over me and at the pump and gasped. I told her, "don't worry, I added a little more to your money for you." She had tears in her eyes as she thanked me and told me I didn't have to do that. I simply said, "no problem and God bless you." I told the attendant I was done and went home.
I truly believe I was meant to be there in order to bless that woman. I know it was God that put that craving for soda in me so I would be at that gas station, at the right time, so she would ask me for help. Sure simply pumping her gas or getting the attendant was enough. But, I did a little extra not because I wanted to get praise but simply because I wanted to be a blessing to her. We all have opportunities to bless someone. It doesn't have to be money it could simply be a few kind words, volunteering, giving up your time or simply praying for people.
The bible says that the harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few. But I believe if each one of us makes it our goal to bless someone and encourage that person to bless another, more of God's work will be done here on earth. However and whenever you can, be a blessing to someone else and watch God be a blessing to you. Much love. Q
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Today I needed them more than they needed me..
The morning drive to drop the Supremes off is the time I spend to talk to them. Instead of listening to music, we talk. It is one small way I am able to show them how important what goes on in their lives mean to me. I decided to tell them about Chris' passing. I didn't want to do it at night because I didn't want them to have that on their mind before going to sleep. So I choose this time in case they have any questions. It took me a few moments to find the right words without bursting into tears. But I think they already knew something was amiss.
K didn't give me any grief while getting dressed. As I was fixing her belt on her pants, she touched my face with her hands and gave me a kiss. D who is usually in her own world in the morning, stood behind me on the couch while I put my shoes on. B who is usually in the playroom reading a book, sat next to me. I don't know if it was my mood or the fact that my eyes showed the telltale signs of crying, but they knew.
They each reacted differently when I told them but all 3 were shocked. At the light, I looked at them in the rearview mirror. K was resting her head on the armrest. B had her hood on and was looking down at her hands. D just stared out the window. It took all I could to not cry at that very moment. I broke the silence by telling them they could help Chris' family by making a card or writing a letter. They were happy they could do something to help.
Once we arrived at school, they didn't run off with their friends. All 3 of them asked me questions about school and walked close to me. It was as if they were trying to cheer me up. After I signed them in, all 3 of them stayed nearby and gave me a kiss. Even B who is sometimes too cool and D who thinks kisses are germy. As I was leaving they stood there watching me, told me they loved me, and smiled and waved. I guess they knew because as soon as I got back to my van, the tears fell. That was one of the hardest things I've had to tell them. They knew Chris. They adored him, and he was like family to us.
Here I was trying to be strong for them, but they were strong for me. This is so very hard for me. Since August, I've lost 5 people who were close to me. No matter how many times it happens, it doesn't hurt any less. It doesn't get any easier. Each one of them was special to me. Each one of them meant something to me. I miss all of them. My girls knew I was hurting and they blessed me. Today I needed them more than they needed me and my girls had my back. I thank God for blessing me with them. Q
K didn't give me any grief while getting dressed. As I was fixing her belt on her pants, she touched my face with her hands and gave me a kiss. D who is usually in her own world in the morning, stood behind me on the couch while I put my shoes on. B who is usually in the playroom reading a book, sat next to me. I don't know if it was my mood or the fact that my eyes showed the telltale signs of crying, but they knew.
They each reacted differently when I told them but all 3 were shocked. At the light, I looked at them in the rearview mirror. K was resting her head on the armrest. B had her hood on and was looking down at her hands. D just stared out the window. It took all I could to not cry at that very moment. I broke the silence by telling them they could help Chris' family by making a card or writing a letter. They were happy they could do something to help.
Once we arrived at school, they didn't run off with their friends. All 3 of them asked me questions about school and walked close to me. It was as if they were trying to cheer me up. After I signed them in, all 3 of them stayed nearby and gave me a kiss. Even B who is sometimes too cool and D who thinks kisses are germy. As I was leaving they stood there watching me, told me they loved me, and smiled and waved. I guess they knew because as soon as I got back to my van, the tears fell. That was one of the hardest things I've had to tell them. They knew Chris. They adored him, and he was like family to us.
Here I was trying to be strong for them, but they were strong for me. This is so very hard for me. Since August, I've lost 5 people who were close to me. No matter how many times it happens, it doesn't hurt any less. It doesn't get any easier. Each one of them was special to me. Each one of them meant something to me. I miss all of them. My girls knew I was hurting and they blessed me. Today I needed them more than they needed me and my girls had my back. I thank God for blessing me with them. Q
Friends and Family,
Love and Life,
On my mind
Monday, January 26, 2009
Deja Vu
Tonight my phone rang. It was my friend T on the other end. I already knew before she told me. She tried to be strong by asking about the kids etc but I already knew. Her husband Chris lost his battle with cancer. I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. When I last saw him, he was up and about, smiling and his cancer was in remission. Apparently it came back and this time in his lungs. It was real aggressive and it was quick. He went into the hospital and 6 days later, he was gone. She was just lonely and wanted to talk so we did. I told her the story about K and her tight shoes today and it made her chuckle. She thanked me and said she needed that. I am going to find the time to see her and check in on her. Just to sit with her and keep her company. I have so many thoughts because it seems like I keep losing people all around me. But I know it's because I love so many people and that is a part of life.
To Chris, my tall fellow NYer and Knicks fan, I love you and I thank God for having the chance to have known you. RIP Q
To Chris, my tall fellow NYer and Knicks fan, I love you and I thank God for having the chance to have known you. RIP Q
Friends and Family,
Love and Life
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
What a historic day!!!
The Supremes and are at home watching this moment in history. Here are some pics of us watching and celebrating. Q
Friends and Family,
Love and Life
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
There is nothing...
Today I had another post all planned out. It came to me a few days ago and I've been praying and talking to the Lord about how to word it so it will bless you. As I was fixing breakfast for the Supremes this morning, God whispered something else in my ear and urged me to post it.
Often times I will see someone IRL, or on the board and God will lead me to pray for them or sometimes contact them and give them a word of encouragement. But this time, I didn't get that. If you clicked on this and is reading it, then this is for you because God knows you need to know this.
God told me to tell YOU,
Have a blessed day. Q
Often times I will see someone IRL, or on the board and God will lead me to pray for them or sometimes contact them and give them a word of encouragement. But this time, I didn't get that. If you clicked on this and is reading it, then this is for you because God knows you need to know this.
God told me to tell YOU,
Have a blessed day. Q
On my mind,
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I was on HSN!!!
Well I called in. Anyway, I was laying in bed flipping the channel and saw they were offering the Todd English green pan set. As you all know, dh got a set for me at Christmas and I am in love. So I decided to call in and share my love. I was on hold for what seemed like forever. Finally a young lady came on, asked me a few questions, gave me some instructions and then I was up. The family was in the playroom listening and they jumped up and down as they heard their names on tv. They even mentioned my name and story again at a later time. I was bummed to find out the bakeware set I wanted was sold out. But I plan on getting them. I plan on doing some videos of my cooking with them and will put them on youtube. Those pans are the absolute best and I think everyone should get them. I will never cook with anything else again!!! Q
Food and Drink,
Love and Life
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
My hairveda twists
As you all know, I purchased some products from Hairveda. I had been using them mainly on the Supremes and occassionally on myself but I wanted to try them on my twists. I washed, conditioned, applied avocado butter on my hair and whipped baggy cream on my ends, braided, and then let my hair air dry. Today I took the braids out and applied my MT/castor oil mix to my scalp. I used my fingers to part and then I sprayed each section with Hydrasoft and then applied whipped gelly to the length. I twisted each section and applied a little more of the gelly to the ends. Both products are made by Hairveda and they smell great as well. My twists are soft, shiny, and bouncy. I wish they were a little tighter but so far I like them. Here are some pics. Q

Saturday, January 03, 2009
Blessings all around me
Earlier this week I was communicating with someone via private messaging. They mention a book they were using during their time in the word and I mentioned I was looking into adding some new items as well. I'd planned on going to Borders some time this week. On the forum, another member had some Hairveda, hydrasoft for sale. I quickly scoop them up from her. She sent me a message asking if it was okay for her to include some other items. Me being me, I told her to go right ahead!!! That was on the 30th.
Yesterday I arrived home to find a box waiting for me. I figured it was from the young lady but I wasn't going to open it. My curiosity got the best of me and I sat down last night to open it. What I found brought tears to my eyes. Not only did she send me the hydrasoft that she only charged me for the shipping, she included 2 jars of Virgin coconut oil, a scalp massaging brush and a nlt bible promise book. Along with the book was a message card with a scripture that blessed me and was right on time. It was a small way of God letting me know He loves me.
Thank you so much D for blessing me. You are so sweet, wonderful and generous and I look forward to meeting you one day and giving you a big hug. If there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask. Muah!!! Q
Here is a pic of my items.

Yesterday I arrived home to find a box waiting for me. I figured it was from the young lady but I wasn't going to open it. My curiosity got the best of me and I sat down last night to open it. What I found brought tears to my eyes. Not only did she send me the hydrasoft that she only charged me for the shipping, she included 2 jars of Virgin coconut oil, a scalp massaging brush and a nlt bible promise book. Along with the book was a message card with a scripture that blessed me and was right on time. It was a small way of God letting me know He loves me.
Thank you so much D for blessing me. You are so sweet, wonderful and generous and I look forward to meeting you one day and giving you a big hug. If there is anything I can do for you, don't hesitate to ask. Muah!!! Q
Here is a pic of my items.

Friends and Family,
Love and Life