Farewell to The Wire
Current mood: awake
Last night I watched the series finale of The Wire. It is one of the best shows I have ever seen. It touched me in ways no other show ever has or probably ever will. After Season 3, I wondered how they would be able to carry on. The main characters were dead or in jail and I figured it was all over. But they surprised me yet again in Season 4. The new breed of characters especially the young boys touched my heart and soul.
I have been very emotional this past week leading up to the finale. The show brought up so many memories and emotions. Things from my past came to the surface and I was forced to deal with some realities. First I realized how blessed I am to have made it out of the projects in NYC. The characters on the show are people I knew, people I grew up with except their names were different and the setting was Brooklyn instead of Baltimore.
Second, I feel an overwhelming since of sadness and guilt. Although I was able to make it out, there are others who didn't. They are still there, stuck in the mess, or they ended up dead or on drugs. So while most people can just go on with their lives, people are living The Wire everyday. What was it about me that allowed me to escape? Why was I able to climb out of the ashes and not be a lifelong victim? I mourn for all those who are stuck and have no hope. For those who don't know they too can have a better life.
Lastly, I am encouraged, hopeful and determined. I know that it is up to me to help make a difference. I know I can't save everyone but I will do my darndest to be a blessing to someone else. It is my mission to get out of my nice, comfy, safe world and step out on faith and do what God has called me to do. I vow to do all I can to help this generation be better, do better, live better. I won't stand my the side, shake my head and say "that's not my problem." Instead of talking about it, I plan on being about it.
Thank you to all the writers, producers, directors, actors, and everyone who worked on The Wire. Thank you for bringing such a wonderful show to HBO and touching my soul in a special way. RIP The Wire. Q