The other day I took my daughters to McDonald's. I usually don't go there because we rarely let them eat fast food but I was supposed to take them to the park that day. The weather wasn't agreeing with us and this particular store has one of those indoor play areas. You know the ones with the slide, and different contraptions. Anyway, they played for a few minutes and all of a sudden another little girl joined in with them. Within a few minutes they knew each others name, was playing tag, and follow the leader. It was cute watching them go to the little station and put on hand sanitizer and just have fun.
The little girl's name was Trinity. Her dad was sitting nearby. We both just smiled and laughed as our kids played together. I turned to him and said "the world would be a much better place if everyone could be like a child. Look at them, they don't see color, or religion, or status. They just see another child and just want to have fun". He nodded his head in agreement. When it was time to go, the girls were heartbroken. Trinity was leaving also and they all gave her a hug.
Matthew 19:14 But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them: for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Children are not born to hate or judge they are taught. Children have blind trust in people they don't even know. We could learn a lot from them. A child loves their parents without them giving them things but because of who they are. Jesus was speaking about the humility and simple faith that is within a child. That is how we need to be in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven. We need to be humble, and go when GOD calls us. We need to have faith that He will not leave us or forsake us. We must not judge other people but love them and have compassion. We must love and serve the Lord not because of what we think we can get out of Him but simply because He is GOD. Instead of serving GOD the way you think it should be done, try serving Him like a child would. Q